Hi and happy Saturday!
You may know that around these parts, we’re big fans of Bode. There’s something romantic, cathartic, looser, and odd about Bode that makes you reconsider how and why you get dressed. Nothing is as straight-forward as it seems and that tension is electric and confounding in equal measure. They’re so deeply rooted in vintage and heritage that watching a presentation from them is like taking Vintage Textiles 101 (it is rich with history. I love it.). We’ve touched on this once or twice for style inspiration and once for home inspiration. Bode has touched every aspect of our lives! Now they just need to create a boutique hotel and the immersion will be complete!
Today’s newsletter, though, as always, was spurred by indecision. We have officially landed ourselves in the season of not winter but are still not hitting the usual stride of spring yet. We still get some freezing nights but usually just chilly, rainy days. How do you dress for that? According to Bode we stock up on novelty knits, satin gym shorts, white socks, and patent shoes, of course!
(Great minds think alike because earlier this week, Harling Ross Anton covered the unbeatable combo of The Row and Bode in her newsletter, Gumshoe!).
So today I’ve found a hearty helping of pieces that are either lifted straight from their FW24 and SS24 presentations, or are so Bode-esque as to question how they missed their inclusion. There are two collages with 35 items in total but that’s! not! all! Next week I’ll be recreating both specific looks head-to-toe and some inspired-by looks for those wanting the Bode vibe, but not as much of the whimsy. So let the beautiful textiles wash over you and…
Happy shopping!